In our orchards we have over a million trees of different types and varieties of fruit.
Our orchards are built up according to world standards and they are based on controlled and intensive production, characterized by all modern orchards. In order to control production better, we also set up our meteo station, tensiometers, hail fighting station, a frost-protection system and anti-frost windmills.
We also deal with nursery production on a surface of 10ha.
We have set strict standards for picking, which contributes to ensuring that each fruit is picked with care and properly stored to reach the consumer in same condition as when harvested.
Production of the top quality in the world
In our orchards we have over a million trees of different types and varieties of fruit.
Our orchards are built up according to world standards and they are based on controlled and intensive production, characterized by all modern orchards. In order to control production better, we also set up our meteo station, tensiometers, hail fighting station, a frost-protection system and anti-frost windmills.
We also deal with nursery production on a surface of 10ha.
We have set strict standards for picking, which contributes to ensuring that each fruit is picked with care and properly stored to reach the consumer in same condition as when harvested.
Accumulation lake
The most of the trees are under the irrigation system and irrigation is done with water from our own accumulation lake.
Irrigation is a hydrotechnical measure to improve the physical properties of the soil by adding water to achieve optimal moisture during vegetation and in order to achieve a good yield of our vareties.
We use irritation water from our own accumulation lake throught a drop-by-drop system.
Accumulation lake
The most of the trees are under the irrigation system and irrigation is done with water from our own accumulation lake.
Irrigation is a hydrotechnical measure to improve the physical properties of the soil by adding water to achieve optimal moisture during vegetation and in order to achieve a good yield of our vareties.
We use irritation water from our own accumulation lake throught a drop-by-drop system.
Anti-hail net
For the sake of precaution and seriousness of our production, the anti-hail net has been installed in the most of our orchards.
The protective net against hail is an instrument for active fight to preserve and increase the yield of all of our types and varieties of fruit that are endangered from bad weather conditions. It also serves to regulate temperature and isolation in hot summer days, alleviate large wind blows and a potential damage from birds has been significantly reduced.
Anti-hail net
For the sake of precaution and seriousness of our production, the anti-hail net has been installed in the most of our orchards.
The protective net against hail is an instrument for active fight to preserve and increase the yield of all of our types and varieties of fruit that are endangered from bad weather conditions. It also serves to regulate temperature and isolation in hot summer days, alleviate large wind blows and a potential damage from birds has been significantly reduced.
Anti-frost system
Over 100ha of our orchards surfaces are protected by frost protection system.
Tree water sprinkling is the most modern, and at the same time the safest, way to protect against frost. It is increasing air humidity, mixing the ground air layer, increasing air humidity, mixing the ground air layer, increasing the thermal conductivity of the soil and bringing additional heat throught the water particles. This method does not increase the temperature of the culture itself and it and not allowing it to fall bellow the freezing point.
Anti-frost system
Over 100ha of our orchards surfaces are protected by frost protection system.
Tree water sprinkling is the most modern, and at the same time the safest, way to protect against frost. It is increasing air humidity, mixing the ground air layer, increasing air humidity, mixing the ground air layer, increasing the thermal conductivity of the soil and bringing additional heat throught the water particles. This method does not increase the temperature of the culture itself and it and not allowing it to fall bellow the freezing point.
Anti-frost windmills
20ha of our orchard is protected by anti-frost windmills, with the surface of frost protection increasing from year to year.
Anti-frost windmills, have became the most common frost protection strategy. They use warmer air in an inverse layer to protect plants from damage to frost. The fan is tilted slightly to bring this inverse layer down to the level of soil to protect the fruit from freezing damage.
Anti-frost windmills
20ha of our orchard is protected by anti-frost windmills, with the surface of frost protection increasing from year to year.
Anti-frost windmills, have became the most common frost protection strategy. They use warmer air in an inverse layer to protect plants from damage to frost. The fan is tilted slightly to bring this inverse layer down to the level of soil to protect the fruit from freezing damage.
Quality policy
We own Global G.A.P. certificate for certified export goods.
Global GAP is a management system in agriculture and primary food production and is a key reference for good agricultural practice in the global market, following the requirements of the consumer in agricultural production. The aim of Global GAP is to strengthen customer confidence in terms of quality and health safety of agricultural and other primary products, as well as to reduce the negative impact on the environment by the current method of agricultural production, the safety of employees and animal breeding.